Carnival Royalty Show

The Leeds Playhouse hosted the first Carnival Royalty Show. This was an event including the King, Queen, Prince and Princess costumes and various acts and artists. The show was hosted by Richard Smith Sr. and comedian Annette Fagon.

Winners for the Show were:

Prince – Khyiro Pyke, age 9, as ‘Jaguar in the Grass’ by Pareesha Valentina (Valentina’s Collective)
Princess – Dani-Bree Edge, age 10, as ‘Princess Oya’ by Asha and Alisia France (AAA Team)
King – Elroy Condor as ‘King of Kings’ by Steph Condor (High Esteem in collaboration with Anonymas)
Queen – Gemma Lake as ‘Fountain of Love’ by Hughbon Condor (High Esteem in collaboration with Anonymas)
