Remember that Carnival item you tucked away years ago in case it came in handy? Well now’s the time to dig out that Carnival treasure.
Do you have a once loved Carnival t-shirt or promotional item? Buried in a cupboard? Forgotten in the attic? Lost in the loft? In the box under the stairs? Or tickets, programmes, posters, flyers, invitations, trophies, letters and other bits of history at home that you’d like to be a part of our exhibition at The Tetley from August to October that will share our heritage and remarkable history with the world?
Bring yours down to Union 105, (just past the Mandela Centre) 105 Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 3HY on Saturday 17th June from 12 noon to 5pm so our Exhibition Curator, Sonya Dyer can take a look.
Or get in touch on 07753 748038 or heritage@leedscarnival.co.uk
Supported by a Heritage Lottery Fund Our Heritage grant